CSME plans to expand its activity this year
Lectures on moral education at training sessions organized by the Institute of Moralogy for teachers and others involved in education are an important aspect of the work of CSME members, and the CSME plans to expand this type of activity this year.
Such training sessions, which have taken place for the past 50 years, give those attending various kinds of opportunities to learn about how moral education should be conducted in homes, schools and local communities. In 2012, for example, sessions took place at 97 venues all over Japan, with more than 10,000 people participating. The titles of lectures given by three professors provide a flavor of what was on offer here:
Professors | Date | Place | Title |
Prof. Nobumichi Iwasa | July 1 | Toyama Pref. Takaoka City |
On the Splendor of Connecting Lives |
Pro. Haruo Kitagawa | July 1 | Hokkaido Tomakomai City |
Education and Caring: Connecting People’s Lives |
Prof. Nobumichi Iwasa | July 28 | Tokyo Arakawa Ward |
On the Splendor of Connecting Lives |
President Osamu Nakayama |
August 4 | Kumamoto Pref. Kumamoto City |
Moral Education and Participation in Our Global Culture |
Pro. Haruo Kitagawa | August 8 | Kanagawa Pref. Zama City |
Teachers as Reflective Practitioners |
President Osamu Nakayama |
August 9 | Shiga Pref. Nagahama City |
The Moral Integrity Needed in a Globalized Society |
President Osamu Nakayama |
August 12 | Shizuoka Pref. Shizuoka-chubu |
What is Being Asked of Teachers Today; The Viewpoint of Moralogy |
Prof. Nobumichi Iwasa | August 17 | Shizuoka Pref. Shizuoka-toubu |
Connecting Lives and Enriching Moral Education |
President Osamu Nakayama |
September8 | Akita Pref. Yokote City |
Reconstructing Moral Education in a Global Age |
This year, as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of this program, we plan to send more CMSE staff to sessions to be held all over Japan.

Nakayama's lecture on moral education in Yokote, Akita Pref.

Nakayama's lecture on moral education in Kumamoto Pref.

Nakayama's lecture on moral education in Nagahama, Shiga Pref.