Student monitor workshop for textbook revision(1)
9:00 – 15:30 on August 1 (Fri)
1) Student monitor textbook revision workshop
As part of Reitaku University’s 50th anniversary celebrations, the project to produce a new textbook for “Moral Science” is progressing steadily. A workshop with students and teaching staff was convened as part of preparations before revising the “Moral Science” textbook “Introduction to Moral Science” currently in use by freshmen.
Ten students took part in the workshop (5 freshmen and 5 seniors). They were recommended by the teaching staff of “Moral Science.” Osamu Nakayama, the President of Reitaku University, who is also the Director of the Center for Moral Science and Education, stressed the significance of this workshop. He explained that that the new textbook now in development will be an epoch-making product of collaboration between teachers and students. Participants were divided into 3-person teams (one freshman, one senior, and one faculty member), with each team receiving two chapters of Part I to study and deliberate. Discussions covered a variety of topics, ranging from difficult-to-understand terms, to expressions that should be improved, to individual topics covered.
The teams held discussions from 9:00 to 14:00, with a lunch break in-between. One student from each team presented the summary of discussions at the end. By the time the last presentation ended, it was already 15:30. The collaboration was so fulfilling that time flew by very quickly.
With various opinions heard from the students, this workshop proved to be highly useful in developing the new textbook. The outcome will be reflected in future revisions.


The Center Director enthusiastically examining the textbook with students

Students and teachers checking textbook phrasing and content

Students and teachers exchanging opinions