
Publication of the “Moral Science” textbook

The Center for Moral Science and Education has published the textbook Introduction to Moral Science.
Reitaku University’s curriculum includes moral science, reflecting our founding philosophy. “Moral Science A/B” are positioned as general education subjects for both of the colleges, and deal with the core of character development education.
In the past, lecturers for Moral Science prepared reference materials individually according to the theme taught. Introduction to Moral Science has been compiled to achieve a more unified approach to teaching “Moral Science A/B” as part of FD. The Center for Moral Science and Education will bring further updates to this textbook, compiled by teachers of the Moral Education Committee. The current version is a pilot edition, and will be examined through use in the classes in FY2008 for formal publication in FY2009.

Moral Science textbook, Introduction to Moral Science



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